After threatening to close some time back and then downsizing instead, it seems Beanos record shop in Croydon is sadly now to close down for good.
I've just received this message from David Lashmar, the owner:
"A severe and, I believe, permanent downturn in music retail has forced me to realise that I can no longer continue to finance this business as I have done for the last two years. Since, in fact, when we announced that we would have to close back in 2006.
Regular subscribers to our 'beamails' will know that we have had several exclusive special offers. Our last beamail explained that we were still experiencing desperately poor trade and that we were extending our 'Half Price Sale' to the general public during October.
Unfortunately this did not provide the boost in sales that we expected and I have had to take the decision to wind down BEANOS. After well over thirty years this is very difficult for me.
However, I will now have the time to devote myself totally to the design and launch of 'MARKET PLACE' our exciting way to revitalise this fine building.
We are selling off all we have left and there is plenty! A lot that has never been on display will be coming out on a daily basis. Since this is the final demise of BEANOS as a Record Dealer we will have to stop buying in any more items. It feels strange to say that after years of encouraging you to sell to us. Changing times, I guess.
So, although Beanos as a record dealer will disappear fairly soon, its spirit will live on in Market Place as this will be run with the same flair and incorporate a lot of the design ideas that made us so famous. It is also going to be run on innovative principles which will guarantee somewhere really special. It will be busy, colourful, exciting and safe. It will not be anything like the tatty indoor markets that seem to spring up everywhere. I have spent a long time looking at other indoor markets and I know exactly what to avoid. I will be sending a further beamail fairly soon giving more details of how this will be structured and, believe me, this will be a fantastic project and will re-vitalise this area of town. I did it with Beanos and I will do it again!
But, I am sure you must realise how much I am going to miss the shop. It has been my life since it first opened in 1975. It has given me great rewards and been a major part in the musical lives of thousands of our loyal customers, many of whom I know personally and will miss greatly. However, I hope that you will continue to support my new scheme and help to make Market Place as great a success as Beanos was.
We will still have our doors open well into 2009 as we sell off all that we have left and I will continue to email you with news as we convert the ground floor into something very exciting, in fact, you will see what we are building when you come in and, if you want to have a look at what we have done with the top two floors, just ask to have a preview.
This is both a sad time and an exciting time for me. Although I might be of a retiring age I am not of a retiring nature so, please take note, David Lashmar has not left the building!"
To find out more about the new Market Place venture visit: you can contact David by email at