You may have noticed that this blog has been very inactive of late. And you may have noticed that the main site has gone down altogether (my web host suddenly disappeared without warning). In fact, I've mainly been updating people via the London Dossier Facebook and Twitter accounts.
I've worked on the London Dossier for over 10 years now, but have been taking a step back recently to work on other projects (some personal and some public). I've also been thinking hard about whether or not to relaunch this site and, if so, in what format. For the time being I will probably re-upload the main site as it was but without the club calendar. I will also leave this blog in place but it will serve more as an archive than anything else. There's only so much time I have in the day and over the last year or so my priorities have changed.
So to summarise, the London Dossier will remain for now, but in a less active state. I would advise anyone interested in more regular updates to "like" Jean-Paul Séculaire's London Dossier on Facebook and/or follow @londondossier on Twitter.