If you have time and would like to help protect another independent quality music venue from closing down, then you should email Brian Bowater at Waltham Forest Council ASAP to voice your concerns.
You should send emails to: Brian.Bowater@walthamforest.gov.uk with "The Cavern, Forest Road, Walthamstow" as the subject line.
Please also copy Dave from Walls Of Heartache in at: dave@brhodgson.co.uk so that he can print off the emails ahead of the venue's license review.
Here is the info I received from Dave:
"Dear Walls Of Heartache friends,
Our home in Walthamstow for the past four years - The Cavern on Forest Road - is under threat after one complaint about noise and a petition from a resident following an incident nearby, not even inside, The Cavern over Xmas.
The license is up for review next week and there is a real possibility that the club will be closed.
We are asking people who care to drop an email to the Council's Noise Team/Licensing Dept showing your support for the club.
It's important that we can show that while there may be a few people who want to see it closed for their own reasons, that we see it as an important place where local people of all ages and backgrounds can come together and enjoy themselves without having to travel into Central London or further afield.
We would appreciate it if you could take ten minutes to email the Council officer detailed below.
Many thanks
Fingers crossed
Andy & Dave Wall Of Heartache"

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