Duke Vin & The Birth Of Ska is showing for FREE on Thursday 27th October at the Peckham Plex Cinema. This is a film I've mentioned a few times on this blog. It has only had limited distribution, so each time it's shown in London I feel it worth pointing out. First released in 2008, I saw it myself at The Portobello Film Festival in 2009, and have to say it is well worth watching. An excellent slice of history, telling the story of Duke Vin - an important figure in the world of Jamaican music in the UK.
Directed by Gus Berger, the film is a documentary of 55 minutes in length, which features interviews with Duke Vin himself and other important figures in the UK reggae scene, as well as some vintage footage. I would have liked to have seen more footage from the 50s, 60s and 70s, but given the somewhat underground nature of the Jamaican music scene in Britain, I can imagine this being a story that just wasn't caught on camera.
A film like this was therefore long overdue. It tells a story that is essential for anyone interested in Jamaican music and culture and its influence on the UK.
Thursday 27th October. 7.30pm.
The Peckham Plex Cinema,
95a Rye Lane, London, SE15 4ST
FREE admission (booking essential)
Bookings: free_duke@live.com
Telephone: 07415 174 451
Cinema website: http://www.peckhamplex.com/
Film website: http://gustofilms.com/duke-vin/
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